IFS is a unique approach to self-discovery that has helped thousands of people gain insight into their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through the IFS process, clients become aware of different parts of themselves. These parts can hold certain emotions, beliefs, memories and states of mind.
For example, someone might have a part of themselves that wants to start exercising, change jobs, or communicate something to their partner, but another part of them feels stuck or afraid of taking action. By getting to know each of these parts, and learning to view them with compassion and curiosity, we can make decisions from a place of wisdom instead of reactivity or fear.
People who have experienced trauma, loss, or conflicted relationships with parents, partners or others, can have parts that carry a lot of pain, grief, anger, fear, or despair. IFS is a particularly powerful tool for exploring and healing those aspects of ourselves.
The tools you learn during IFS sessions can absolutely be implemented on your own. The self-awareness and the ability to tune into your inner world and tend to the many parts of yourself with compassion are truly life-changing skills.